COVID 19 has presented challenges worldwide, and Tanzania has not been exempted!
Classes at The Lion of Judah Academy were allowed to resume in July (after several months of closure), and the second term has proceeded more or less as normal. But there have been lots of extra classes to make up for lost time, changed schedules, and now….
Class 7 (the last primary school class) and Form 4 (equivalent to U.S. seniors in high school) are two very important milestones and always have their own special graduation celebrations. Each one is a very big deal. But this year they will be combined into one even bigger graduation and feast, for a total of around 120 graduates (about 40 from Class 7 and about 80 from Form 4).
There will be the normal speeches, pomp and circumstance, awards, music and dancing, and a giant feast. Lots of visitors and guests – family and friends of the graduates.
We want to congratulate all these graduates and what they have accomplished.
Most Class 7 graduates will be returning to campus soon for their “Pre-Form One” classes (many won’t be going home at all!)…giving them a head start on their first year of secondary school in Form 1, which begins in January, 2021.
Many of the Form Four graduates will be returning to Lion of Judah Academy for what Tanzania calls “high school” (something like our junior college), but that probably won’t begin until around May. That two-year program is designed for those students who intend to continue on to university level studies.
Please pray for all these bright and talented young men and women. They are among the best and brightest in their nation! God has a plan and purpose for each one of them.
We will include photos and graduation news when we have received it.

We’ll be posting more updates soon, so check back…or sign up to be notified when new information is posted.
We wish the graduates all God’s best on the future.