Loving God’s Children — Teaching Christ’s Truth
The Lion of Judah Academy (Simba wa Yuda Academy in Swahili) is a private Christian primary and secondary school located in Bulima, Tanzania, East Africa. Its main goal is to provide an excellent but affordable education to the children of Tanzanian pastors, church workers and Bible college students, as well as to orphans and other disadvantaged children.
The school is a rich and vibrant academic and Christian community with over 750 students and 100 teachers and support staff. It is one of the outstanding schools, public or private, in the nation of Tanzania. It is a “city set on a hill.”
Most Tanzanian pastors and church workers are not salaried and receive only modest stipends for their work. As a result nearly 80% of Lion of Judah Academy students come from situations where their families are unable to afford the cost of the education they are receiving. The Student Sponsorship program is of vital importance to our students. God is working miracles and changing lives through The Lion of Judah Academy…we welcome your help in this great adventure.
The motto of The Lion of Judah Academy is: “Training Leaders in Knowledge, Wisdom and Godly Character.” Accomplishing that goal is what The Lion of Judah Academy strives to do every day.
A Brief History
Beginning in 2000 God stirred the hearts of a small group of people with a vision and desire to start a school for the children of Tanzanian pastors and church workers. Slowly the vision simmered and, in the summer of 2001, a school was started in a borrowed classroom, a part-time teacher, and 12 students.
In a miracle which overwhelmed everyone involved (except, of course, God!) the vision caught fire, expanded and grew. From those humble and inauspicious beginnings The Lion of Judah Academy has become one of the outstanding schools, public or private, in the national of Tanzania. But far more important, it has become a beacon of God’s light and truth…and a training ground for men and women who will lead their country into the future.
The school motto is:
“Training Leaders in Knowledge, Wisdom and Godly Character”
That is the goal of The Lion of Judah Academy day in and day out.
There are nearly 850 students in 14 grade levels (Awali – like kindergarten – to Advanced Level High School). The school has received countless awards and recognitions for the level of education offered…national exam scores are consistently the highest in the region…the ratio of students attending and completing university studies has attracted attention from all corners of the nation. But always, greatest satisfaction is taken in the Godly character and leadership abilities of our students. If we were to fail in that, we would fail in the most important of all the missions God has given us.
And, just as it was when the school existed only in a borrowed classroom with a part-time teacher, the key focus remains to provide the highest quality education possible to the children of Tanzanian pastors, church workers, and other disadvantaged children.

The Lion of Judah Academy is owned and operated by The Registered Trustees of The Lion of Judah Academy, a non-governmental organization (NGO) registered with The Tanzanian government. It is operated as a not for profit organization and complies with all laws of the United Republic of Tanzania. The majority of board members are Tanzanian nationals. The school is not affiliated with any denominational group or organization. It accepts students from all backgrounds ethnic, tribal and religious backgrounds. It is a Christian organization and follows Biblical principles in all aspects of the school’s life and administration.
The Lion of Judah Ministries is a 501(c)(3) not for profit organization in the United States. The mission of The Lion of Judah Ministries is to support the work of The Lion of Judah Academy.
This is a relatively new website for The Lion of Judah Academy, and we are building it up bit by bit. However, we also have a “legacy website” (basically just the old one!) which contains a great deal of information added between 2004 and 2017. Much of that information we are not going to try to move over to this new site, but it will be available at the current location, and may be of interest to some of you. Keep in mind it is quite dated. You can visit it here: Old Lion of Judah Academy Website
You may also want to visit to visit the school Facebook page:
Lion of Judah Academy Facebook
You can email us at: LOJ@thelionofjudah.info