Serving God's Children in Tanzania, East Africa
Serving God's Children in Tanzania, East Africa

School Map

Below is a satellite image of the school with important buildings and areas identified.

When God first gave the vision for the school, and the founders decided to step out in faith to begin the school, there was nothing…literally nothing! Aside from a couple of small homes, only the health care center, on the far right side, even existed…and even that was merely two small buildings! Not only has the school grown, but a vibrant community around the school has grown up.

Today God has provided a sixty acres campus, and the school owns most of the property in a strip between the dormitories and Lake Victoria. We’re confident He has plans for all of that…but we don’t yet know what those plans are! We invite you to come join us, as we follow God and discover together what those plans and purposes may be!

Campus in August, 2023