Go here to visit the Sponsorship Program platform
The mission of The Lion of Judah Academy is to provide an outstanding education to the children of families (pastors, church workers, and others) who cannot afford to pay for that education. Key partners in this mission are our sponsors…folks like you those who participate in the miracle of providing Hope and a Future by sponsoring individual students. Lion of Judah Academy couldn’t exist without your generosity and support.
Literally hundreds of students at The Lion of Judah Academy (over 600 of our nearly 800 students) are unable to afford the costs of attending the school, and therefore need your help. Above and below there’s a link to the Sponsorship Program, where you can search for and find students in need of your support. Boarding (dorm) students need support of $1000 for a full year…that covers tuition, room, board and other costs. Local (day scholar) students need support of $500 for a full year.
You can sponsor a student through monthly contributions, as well as other ways (for instance, through one or two contributions during the year) or for differing amounts.

Go here to visit the Sponsorship Program platform
For additional information about Student Sponsorships please visit our Frequently Asked Questions.
You can email us at LOJ@thelionofjudah.info