The photo above was taken at the Form 6 Graduation in May, 2017. Forty-five students. It’s a MIRACLE!
When founded in 2001 it was hoped The Lion of Judah Academy would be able to provide support and assistance to Churches, pastors and Christians of Tanzania through a small school where their children would be well-educated and safe in a positive Christian environment. But, as Isaiah said in Is 55:9: “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.“
From the beginning, “Miracle” has been a term often used to describe what has happened…and continues to happen…at The Lion of Judah Academy.
In 2001 there were 12 students in a borrowed classroom with a part-time teacher.
— nearly 850 students in 14 grade levels
— changed hearts and lives
— countless pastors, evangelists, national missionaries and church workers strengthened and encouraged in their work because they know their children are safe and receiving the best education available
— an ever increasing number of graduates moving into key positions in Tanzania’s business, government, medicine, legal system, education, church and other fields of service…all of them in the name of Jesus
— strengthened homes and families
— an entire nation enriched by the graduates of a school which started in a borrowed classroom and part-time teacher
— the Kingdom of God expanding throughout a nation
A miracle, indeed…
COME…JOIN THE MIRACLE! Support the work of The Lion of Judah Academy
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