Serving God's Children in Tanzania, East Africa
Serving God's Children in Tanzania, East Africa

UPDATE – Form 6 Exams and More…

Form 6 National Examinations — National exams for our oldest students, Form 6, begin Monday, June 29, and continue through the week.

These examinations are extremely important for the students, and their results have great impact on what options will be available to them moving forward in their education. They have been on campus for three weeks engaging in intensive preparations for these exams.

Please pray for the Form 6 students as they complete their final week of preparations, and while they take the examinations beginning June 29.

YouTube Video Updates — We’ve just added a couple of video updates to the school’s YouTube channel…one a brief update on COVID, the Flooding, and other matters…HERE The other is an quick overview of the school, including some wonderful music from the school choir…HERE

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