Greetings, All –
We – Hart and Lynn – head off to Tanzania tomorrow evening (Tuesday…at least assuming Elsa – tropical storm – doesn’t decide to interfere!). Please pray for us as we travel. If all goes as scheduled we arrive in Mwanza, Tanzania, on Thursday afternoon (Tanzania time…about 9:00 a.m. East Coast U.S. time). We’ll spend the night in Mwanza, do some shopping and other tasks on Friday, then arrive at the school by late Friday afternoon.
The students are returning after their long break between terms. Term two classes actually resume today, July 5. So please be praying for the students and staff as things are getting started up again.
As I mentioned in the last post, we have a team coming out for a dental training mission beginning Monday, July 26. About a dozen people will be traveling from the U.S. and other places between around July 21 and July 24. Lots of arrangements to coordinate and logistics to work out. Please pray for safe and uneventful travel, and for everything to go smoothly. This is a pretty big project and something, I suspect, the devil would really enjoy confusing! But we’re doing God’s work and trying hard to do it God’s way! Please be asking God to help us keep our eyes on Him!
OK. That’s all for now!
Thank you so much for your support, encouragement and prayer!
Blessings to you all. Lynn and Hart

The First Class – 2001 — That’s Lynn on the left…with our very first group of students!