Put this post in the category of: “PRAISE THE LORD!!”
The mission of The Lion of Judah Academy is to provide the highest quality Christian education to children of Tanzanian pastors, church workers, and other underprivileged children.
That mission doesn’t exist in a vacuum. Neither is it words printed on paper. It lives in the context of the realities and challenges of carrying the Kingdom of God to Tanzania, East Africa, and the world. Because that is true, our students — from the moment they first arrive on campus — are taught to be servant leaders in their homes and families, their churches, and their nation. From the beginning, we have envisioned an army of servant-leaders going into Tanzania…for Jesus!
I’m beginning this post in that way because we are SO excited and joyful to see our students, and now our alumni, engaged in serious service and servanthood for the cause of Christ, in the name of Jesus.
FOR EXAMPLE: A few weeks ago the alumni had their annual “LOJASM Week”. That’s the “Lion of Judah Academy Students’ Ministry” week. It is an annual event planned by and for Lion of Judah Academy alumni…for the specific purpose of serving. Participation among alumni is always strong, and this year was no exception. There’s always lots of fun and fellowship, of course. Lots of catching up. Lots of worship. But the focus is serving. Here’s the statement of purpose from their Facebook page: “The Lion of Judah Students group is a Christian group aiming to help the needy and spread the Word of God….” (you’re welcome to visit the LOJASM Facebook page, but one caution – it’s all in Swahili!)
Here are some of the highlights of the week:

Bible Distribution to LOJA students…the alumni collected money and purchased 100 Bibles for students who do not have them.
They spent a day at Mitindo Primary School in Misungwi District. Mitindo Primary school is a government school for disabled children…albino, deaf and blind children. The LOJASM alums collected toiletries, clothes, sugar, sports equipment and Bibles to give to the students there. Here’s a link to a photo album from that day.

The Alumni also visited the dispensary, a place they all frequented while students at Lion of Judah Academy, but which is tremendously changed since they left! The dispensary is now being operated by the school, and is like a new place! In part they went to see the improvements being made. But the tour was also to challenge them! And their hearts were indeed touched. Many of the graduates are taking medical studies, and they have promised to help in the future! Here are some photos.
Another important activity the alumni were engaged in was to spend time talking with and encouraging current LOJA students…providing guidance and advice….
Those were among the highlights. They also presented a special gift to School Director Mtebe: a comfortable new office chair! They networked together with each other, exploring ways they can help one another, as well as future graduates. And – something very special and important – they accepted a large part of the responsibility for planning the approaching Lion of Judah Academy 20th anniversary celebration, which will be in November, 2022!! TWENTY YEARS!!

They seem to have gotten the idea of, “servant-leadership.”
And for that, we are very excited, happy, and proud!
And a big “thank you” to all who have supported Lion of Judah Academy and participated in the Miracle! You really ARE involved in something that is changing the lives of children and families…building the church…and building God’s Kingdom here on earth.
Praise God