Serving God's Children in Tanzania, East Africa
Serving God's Children in Tanzania, East Africa

New Dining Hall Under Construction

What is now the secondary girls dormitory was the first dorm we built. At that time all boarding students, boys and girls, of all ages, stayed there. It also included THE dining room…the one and only dining room on campus…and at that time there was plenty of room for everyone!

That seems so long ago it’s hard to remember what that was like!

We’re now two additional large dorms – and several hundred additional students – later. That dining room won’t accommodate but a fraction of our students. So for years the older students, especially the boys, have been taking their meals outside. That ‘sort of works’ during the dry season…but rainy season is a huge problem.

So for years, building a new dining hall has been a top priority. Problem is, there’s always been something just a little bit more urgent. So building a dining room has been put off…again and again and again.

Until now!

Praise the Lord…it has not only started, it’s well underway!

Here’s a photo album of the progress, from the first pick and shovel in the ground back in October, up until now. Unfortunately we’ve run out of money for the moment! So the project is temporarily on hold. But now that’s we’ve started, getting finished is up at the very top of the priority list! So we’re praying for God to provide sooner rather than later!

This will be somewhat unique in that it will be a very open building…every wall will have lots of windows for light and air, and it is designed with its own kitchen. It is directly adjacent to the Secondary Boys Dorm…a good thing since they need it more than anyone! The youngest students, now in their own dorm, have their own dining room. The older girls will be able to fit in the dining room at the girls dorm. So it’s the secondary boys who are in the greatest need and this space will be a huge blessing for them.

It is also not far from the School Chapel, secondary classrooms, and other parts of the campus. It will be a very important space in the life of the school, in addition to providing dining space.

If you’d like to support this project we’d LOVE to have your help. Here’s a page devoted to the project and we will keep this updates as we move toward completion of the project.

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