Serving God's Children in Tanzania, East Africa
Serving God's Children in Tanzania, East Africa

Join the Miracle! – Lion of Judah Academy Student Scholarships

Lion of Judah Acdemy

Be part of a miracle.  Double every gift.  On Giving Tuesday even triple it!!

In a recent post we told you we had a special way you could support the students at Lion of Judah Academy on Giving Tuesday, December 3.  Here it is.

We have kicked off a campaign to raise money for student scholarships at The Lion of Judah Academy.  We have started a Facebook Fundraiser for this purpose.  But this is no ordinary fundraiser.  We have a supporter who will be matching every donation to this fundraiser up to $20,000!  That means whatever we raise up to $20,000 will be matched by their donation of the same amount.

Visit the Lion of Judah Academy Facebook Fundraiser

Plus, on #GivingTuesday, December 3, Facebook will match a total of $7 million in donations on a first come, first served basis (beginning at 8:00 a.m. EST). That means your donation will be worth two times…and on Giving Tuesday perhaps even THREE TIMES as much! Talk about a miracle!

The Fundraiser is active right now and all contributions will be matched by our sponsor throughout the duration of the fundraiser (up to $20,000).  The additional Facebook matching gift, however, is only available on Giving Tuesday, December 3, beginning at 8:00 a.m. Eastern time.  It will continue only until a combined total of $7 million has been contributed to all participating charities.  We’re guessing that could happen pretty quickly!

Here’s the bottom line for the need: The Lion of Judah Academy is in a tough situation as we approach the start of the 2020 school year:  we don’t have enough funds to support all the poor students (mostly pastors’ kids) whom we hope to welcome to the school in January, 2020. We will have to turn some — perhaps many — away. In almost 20 years, we’ve never had to do that before. But we’re finding ourselves in a short-term financial crunch. We need help. You have the opportunity to join a miracle here.

As most of you already know, Lion of Judah Academy’s reason for existence is to educate students who cannot afford the cost of their education…primarily the children of pastors and church workers.  For nearly 20 years the Lion of Judah Academy has provided them hope and a future.  We have every expectation that will continue.  Some unanticipated realities have, however, created a genuine short-term challenge for us.  We’ve been in tight spots before…we have always depended upon God’s grace and goodness.  That’s what we are doing now.  In every single instance God has demonstrated the truth of Ephesians 3:20, that our God “is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us….”

The Lion of Judah Academy has always belonged to God.  He built it and has caused it to flourish.  He will provide!  We’re already at work on the long-term fixes.  But right now we need a short-term solution.  God already knows what it is!  In fact, we are believing He has provided this opportunity.  We just need to plug ourselves into it!

The link to the Facebook fundraiser is above.  Only people with a Facebook account are able to contribute through that fundraiser.  But if you’re not on Facebook don’t worry!  We’re also running this matching donation fundraiser on a second platform which is not limited to Facebook members.

Here is a link to that spot

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