Please pray for our Lion of Judah Academy students taking national exams in November. About 80 Form Two students begin their exams Monday, November 9. The exams continue through the week. About 80 Form Four students begin their exams on November 23. These exams also continue through the week. In […]
Hartford Inlow
Lion of Judah Academy graduation for Form Four and Class 7 was Saturday, October 24. We thought you might like to see some photos of the event. About 120 students graduated so the campus was full of graduates, students, families, staff and other guests! It was a wonderful celebration. Thank […]
COVID 19 has presented challenges worldwide, and Tanzania has not been exempted! Classes at The Lion of Judah Academy were allowed to resume in July (after several months of closure), and the second term has proceeded more or less as normal. But there have been lots of extra classes to […]
We’ve just received two pieces of important news from The Lion of Judah Academy First, classes have been allowed to resume at Tanzania schools. So Lion of Judah Academy students are returning to the campus. That’s VERY good news! But it also involves a lot of travel for a large […]
Form 6 National Examinations — National exams for our oldest students, Form 6, begin Monday, June 29, and continue through the week. These examinations are extremely important for the students, and their results have great impact on what options will be available to them moving forward in their education. They […]
June 2020 Providing Hope and a Future This is a challenging period at The Lion of Judah Academy…COVID shutdowns…record-breaking floods on Lake Victoria. Here are updates and prayer requests…. COVID 19 at The Lion of Judah Academy The virus itself has had little impact on the school, however… The economic […]
Like everyone else in the world, The Lion of Judah Academy in Tanzania was muddling through dealing with the COVID world pandemic…all schools in Tanzania had been ordered closed…many inconveniences and other issues had to be dealt with. The dental training mission and other trips/teams going to the school had […]
Since our last post, a couple of days ago, we know several of you have been praying for all of our students to return home safely…and one family in particular — the Shilikales. I featured a photo of Emma’s Landcruiser stuck in the mud on the way to pick up […]
Some have asked us about the Coronovirus situation in Tanzania and how that is affecting Lion of Judah Academy. The virus has reached Tanzania, though the last we heard there were only a handful (six, as of March 19) known cases, mostly in Dar es Salaam. The government has shut […]